
Jina AI

Contributed to a cloud-native Neural Search solution powered by AI and deep learning to create a whole new way to search. Implemented crafters in the executor core to add support for encoding text & images to vectors, storing vectors on disk, ranking results, and so on.

Tags: Python, ranking


Developed a library for’s client driver to support both client-server communication and group communication via pub-sub channels. It can be easily scaled to any number of services and it is ideal for building chat systems. You can obtain more information at

Ruby Gem - (4000+ Downloads)

Tags: SocketCluster, client-driver, Ruby

Knowledge-based Execution Bot

A desktop assistant for Linux based systems that enable the user to communicate with his/her machine in English/Natural Language, which is translated to the corresponding Linux command by our system. The project is based on Machine Learning and Natural Language processing.

Publication: IJAIEM-2017-06-11-14

Tags: Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Python, Slack Chatbot

Quora question pairs

Identify which questions asked on Quora are duplicates of questions that have already been asked. Built a model using XGBoost and SGB classification and applied different NLP models such as Bag of Words, TF-IDF, and Word2vec and achieved an accuracy of 80.7%.

Tags: Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing

Pneumonia diagnosis from chest x-ray

Predict if a person has pneumonia or not using x-ray images of his chest. Designed a CNN with Transfer Learning using a pre-trained DenseNet-169 model in PyTorch and achieving an accuracy of 90.38%.

Tags: Image Classification (PyTorch)


Rajasthan Hackathon, 2018

An android application for image to text conversion using optical character recognition(OCR). It Runs the Tesseract OCR engine using tess-two. It provides support to search the data, generates the text pdf and image pdf as well.

Tags: Android, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing

Movie Recommendation System using Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews

Analysing movie’s based on user reviews and providing recommendation system by predicting their sentiments. It is a simple application using a Machine Learning model that works on a set of training data, using Random Forest Classifier to classify real time movie reviews, and design a movie recommendation system for the user based on that.

Tags: Machine Learning, Sentiment Analysis, Random Forest Classifier, Python, Cassandra

Password Locker

An android application to store and manage user credentials and sensitive data in an encrypted way by using AES 256-bit encryption.

Tags: Android, Encryption, Storage

Bill Splitter

An android application to split expenses of a trip, event or anything where money is being shared. It uses greedy algorithm to split the bills.

Tags: Greedy Algorithm, Android

Duplicate File Finder

A Java application with GUI (Swing) to scan through all the files in a given directory and sub-directories, then list out all the duplicate files according to their SHA-512 hash function.It supports two modes, Quick Finder or Memory Saver.

Tags: MessageDigest, Storage, Hash, Java, Swing

Library Management System

A library management system implemented using Ruby on Rails. It provides authentication, authorisation, file storage, mailer support and background processing. Supported by devise, carrierwave, minimagick, ActionMailer, Sidekiq and Redis. This application is also deployed on Heroku.: library-management-7

Tags: Library Management, Ruby on Rails, Heroku


Worked on Spectre, A simple blog site for fast integrating your current project with a blog-system. You can easily write blog posts, let users comment the posts. It also supports a page hit counter. Implemented using Django framework with SQLite.

Tags: Blog, Page hit counter, Django, Python

Tinker Assemblers

Designed NoSQL database-driven website for assembling customized PCs using MongoDB and PHP.

Tags: Php, MongoDB