About me

A passionate programmer seeking opportunities with the ability to explore and solve problems. I enjoy building good software by gaining intelligible insights from data that helps business-driven decisions with a variety of programming languages, stacks, and frameworks.

  • A programming language, databases, and DevOps enthusiast
  • Open-source developer

A developer with a can-do attitude. Viewing any problem with a different angle and finding an innovative and fast track solution to it defines me.

I’m a developer, hacker, engineer, enthusiast, multi-tasker, passionate programmer and a quick and perpetual learner who likes to work around like-minded people and learn from them.

Actively participate in open source contributions, communities, conferences, and meetups.

I believe that AI / ML is what the Internet was in the 1990s, hence now getting ready to hone my skills to be ready for the next wave of revolution.

Most of my personal projects can be found on Github and in the Projects section. Feel free to contact me by Email.

A few things I know,

  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Object oriented programming and Design Patterns.

  • Languages - Python, Ruby, Javascript, C++, NodeJS
  • Frameworks - Django, Ruby on Rails, Flask
  • Databases - SQL - MySQL, PostgreSQL; NoSQL - MongoDB, Cassandra, Apache Hive; BigQuery, Redis
  • Front-end - ReactJS, Marionette.js, Backbone.js, Underscore.js, jQuery, Angular

Quoting Moxie Marlinspike, “I hope to contribute to a world where we value skills and relationships over careers and money and where we’re passionate about building and creating things in a self-motivated and self-directed way.“

Written on September 10, 2018